Пуговки клеили на горячий клей, все делали аккуратно и Поля не обожглась. На две задние панельки пуговок нам не хватило, но это ничего, мне еще есть где их поискать и доделать.
I've been thinking of making this for about a year now, but it was never high up on my list of projects, so I never got to it. Today I wanted to make something together with Polina, so finally I got to it.
It was a nursery lamp with plain fabric shade that was given to us by my mother-in-law. And although I usually prefer plain and simple objects, I thought it did lack some embellishements. So we went through my button drawer and found lots of pearly looking buttons in pastel colors and glued them with hot glue gun. Although the pile of buttons seemed huge, we did not have enough to complete the shade, we still got 2 sides left. But, I should check some other hiding places for more buttons, I may find more. It's was a bit slow and painful to make this with Polina, but I guess, I should have organized it better in the first place. Honestly I haven't been doing a lot of crafts with her yet, so it was our first project together. Not bad for a start, what do you think?
Very nice! I made crocheted broches with buttons :)
ОтветитьУдалитьThanks so much, and I'd love to go and see your brooches =)))