Теперь хочу попробовать окрас в осенней палитре

My crafty part of the day was dedicated to wool (again). It was the first time I tried to dye not yarn, but roving. Everything turned out absolutely wrong, or I should say not the way I wanted. When I prepared my dyes they turned to be different colors than I expected. Red was supposed to be teal and green was supposed to be darker. After I saw my mistake, I still decided to go ahead and try. I chose the microwave method this time, not the slowcooker, and loved it. Well, it's much faster and with 2 kids it's much easier. Then rinsed, dried, and could not wait to start spinning. So I can even show you the sample - single ply on a spindle and 2-ply tiny skein.
Plan to do more in the next couple of days - fall colors, what do you think?