Обожаю переделывать вещи - новое из старого. Недавно вступила в группу на равелри посвященную ресайклу пряжи. Специально пошла в секонд-хенд в поисках какого нибудь объекта для переделки и нашла мохеровый свитер, очень красивый, но какого то линялого цвета. Распустила его, покрасила пищквыми красителями пряжу и связала вот такой шарфик с добавлением бусинок
I love recycling and upcycling! I was looking for ever more recycling challenges and inspiration on Ravelry and found a group called UnRavelers that is dedicated to recycling yarn from used sweaters, blankets and other products. I have already tried recycling fulled woolen sweaters and thought I should try to save some yarn from no longer wanted sweaters too.
I loved the process! It's time consuming, but I do find the effort quite worthy and there is such a handmade "aura" about the the product!
So I picked up a sweater which almost lost it's color and beauty in my local charity thrift store. It was made of 80% mohair yarn. I unraveled it (oh, and it was a pain to do it! Mohair is definitely not a fiber I would recommend unravelling to a beginner, made a hank, hand dyed it using Kool-Aid (what a fun process!), hand washed with mild handmade soap and dried. There I had my new very cool yarn which looked completely renewed and rejuvenated and smelled like a fresh grape vine (thanks to Kool-Aid). So I decided to add some sparkle (by adding handpicked random glass, crystal and plastic beads) and make it into a freeform scarf.
This scarf is now available for purchase in my ETSY stop.
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